Ballingall » Dear Alumni Friends

Dear Alumni Friends

As the sadness at the loss of Mr. Chuck Ballingall continues in our hearts we want you to know that we have been approaching our responsibility to try to replace him with the same enthusiasm he would have had for his job. We are most grateful that two experienced AP teachers, currently on staff, stepped up to teach his AP Economics and his AP Human Geography classes, almost immediately after his death. We know that with the experience and dedication of Mr. Douglas (AP Econ) and Doc Williams (AP Human Geog) the students who elected for his classes will not lose a beat from their expectations. We are similarly most grateful for others who stepped in to teach an extra class so that these teachers’ previously assigned classes are covered.


Many are aware that for the past six years Chuck served Damien in being the primary person responsible to develop the school’s Master Schedule of courses and in turn, placing each student in his six or seven courses. On the Monday before his death, he proudly announced to me “This year is my best Master Schedule, yet.” Classes are balanced, teachers have course preparations limited, returning students are in their first choice elective at a 98% rate, etc. He certainly did a wonderful job because of his many years of experience and knowledge of the faculty and the curriculum. Replacing him will be a challenge for this summer. We have asked Angela Curry, Curriculum Director, and our previous summer school director to step into that role. She will be capably assisted by Eric McElrea who is well trained in the software we use called Aeries which manages the data.


The single most significant and recognizable role that Chuck Ballingall has served at Damien, however, has been that of the head of our Debate Program. Debate doesn’t stop and the season is well under way. We are most grateful for the outpouring of support from many of Damien’s most recent graduates who have stepped up into roles as coaches, judges and even offering to help supervise students on their debate trips. Since his arrival three years ago, Donny Peters, Assistant Debate Coach, has served the Debate Program as the primary “travelling coach” as Chuck has limited his direct involvement to local tournaments and the Nationals. We are most grateful that, as many know, prior to Donny arriving at Damien, Chuck’s several previous assistants would stay for two years, learn from Chuck, and move on to programs of their own. Donny came to us having previously coached programs of his own, including at the college level. He chose to return to high school and made his commitment to be the finest assistant Chuck could ask for, and to stay at Damien more than two years. It was almost prophetic that with Chuck’s passing, we had an experienced coach on hand so that we will not lose a beat as that program continues at the highest level.


There is one other hire that Chuck brought into the program this year that veteran Damien debaters might want to be familiar with, that is the hiring of a coach for Public Forum Debate. Fares Abdullah serves in that role. This was initiated by Chuck because the face of college debate, and by implication, high school debate, is changing from Policy Debate to other forms of debate, including Public Forum Debate. Fares is an experienced Public Forum debater from the University of La Verne. Over recent years in our conversations, Chuck, as a staunch supporter Policy debate, had bemoaned the reality that colleges are moving away from Policy Debate Teams in favor of other forms of debate. As a result, high schools are also moving in that direction. He noticed the shift in offering our annual novice Policy Debate tournaments and the fact that fewer and fewer schools would send teams. Chuck’s plan for this year was to offer BOTH Policy Debate and Public Forum in our tournament in order to attract enough teams for a quality fundraiser. Currently our Sophomores learn both and for their junior and senior years they choose which direction they want for the competitions. Damien is NOT giving up on Policy Debate, we are just preparing our students for broader options moving forward.


Our Mock Trial program is also continuing. It was a pleasure last year to nominate Chuck for the Helen Bernstein Tribute Award, which he received, for his 24 years of service to the program. We are aware that success is very dependent upon motivating the right students to step forward for the training; something Chuck was very good at identifying. The attorney-coach helps prepare the students. We are grateful that Melissa Hale is again coaching the team for the 2017 season and that we have adequate students for a formidable team.


We have yet to approach the reality that Chuck also served as the public address announcer for the Spartan basketball and baseball programs. He had an outstanding public voice and we have been the class of the leagues with his skills leading the way for most of his 35 years at Damien. We have yet to determine where we are going with a replacement; however, we did remember him on the last Sunday of the Quakes season by celebrating “Damien Remembers Chuck Ballingall” day at the stadium where Chuck sometimes served as a substitute announcer. He will also be missed at Clippers basketball games and USC baseball games where he also served as a substitute public address announcer.


Through all of these transitions, we are most grateful for the wisdom and courage of one of Chuck’s best friends on the faculty, Jeff Coray. Chuck and Jeff started together at Damien in 1982, have taught the same students, and spoke often about their classes and the programs of Debate and Mock Trial in that Chuck was such an integral part of their success. Jeff is also very knowledgeable about the history of Debate at Damien as well as the major figures in our history. He is most willing to speak with anyone who feels the need to communicate more about our program legacy.


We have each faced this incredible loss from our perspective of his significance in our own life. As we move forward without him we hope to find better ways to memorialize his presence with us for more than 35 years. The mountain of tributes about his meaning in the lives of so many are only a beginning. We have posted what we received on our web site. There is some hope that as we look forward to some campus modernization we can include perpetual tributes to this man who many have called “The ultimate Damien Spartan.”