Ballingall » Letter to Chuck from Dr. H

Letter to Chuck from Dr. H

Dear Chuck Ballingall:


Just thought you should know that today, the first day of the 2017-2018 school year, went quite well. Over 930 students found all the classes in which you placed them; class sizes were relatively balanced, even the section you added on Monday because you thought we had too large of class size in honors freshman English. It was easy to support you in that suggestion when you expressed your concern.


We all missed you terribly but we did appreciate your dedication to the outstanding academic program that you helped build over your 35 years with us at Damien. We put out the call for some of your colleagues to step up and teach your classes, after all, the students who signed up for your AP Economics and AP Human Geography classes expect your excellence in teaching. Because of your inspiration, they said YES! Our kids will miss your unique personality and caring ways, but they will have experienced quality teachers in those classes.


Debate remains a challenge. Donny says he is willing to give it his all. But as you know he will need some experienced help to make all those travel arrangements as smoothly as you could. I heard him telling his freshman speech class that he missed class often traveling with debaters and the procedures for when he is gone. Say a special prayer for him.


I certainly missed talking with you today. I wanted to know if you saw the "players day" jerseys. I especially love that Kyle Seager will wear a jersey that says, "Corey's brother." Thought we would have a good laugh over that. I told that to several other Dodger fans; we laughed, but it wasn't the same.


One of the hardest parts of the day was walking by your closed office door. Faculty shared many stories with me, especially about ways you would brighten their day just by having your office door open and an empty chair in which to plop down and chat about anything. That will be difficult to lose.


After school, we gathered in the Athletic Center in prayer for you and your family. School was out but you would be happy to know we filled over 250 chairs on the floor and spilled over into the bleachers. Nolte, O'Brien, Sara, Lisa, Angela, and I each led a decade of the rosary. You would have liked it, similar to our rosaries on Kairos. Tons of parents and alumni came by, especially members of our CIF championship basketball team including Coach Matt.


For myself, I have to admit this was one of the most difficult days of my 37 years as a Principal. I tried to be as present as possible for the faculty members who were struggling the most. There were many. I am among them and you can probably tell who the others were. Some of us kept our minds occupied by helping make plans for a memorial service on Tuesday. We are going to do our best to make it something you would appreciate. Your brother and his family are coming out for it. They deserve to see how much we love you and all you meant to Damien.


We are setting up a space on our web page to allow alumni and friends to contribute their thoughts about what you meant to them. They were having technical difficulties when I left campus this afternoon so it is not up yet. We are having large cards around for others to sign. We'll give them to your brother:


As you well know now, as we remind the students on Kairos, the "Fourth Day" is temporary, as we were created for life eternal afterwards. You are there now and so we ask you to pray for us as we still continue to worry about much that does not really matter in the full picture of life. Thank you for leaving us with a legacy of putting the needs of others first in the "Spirit of St. Damien." Thank you for all the messages you shared on Kairos. Thank you for leaving us with the example of a life well lived influencing the lives of thousands of young men and inspiring some amazing adults who are making our world a better place. Enjoy your peace. Pray for us who struggle with your loss.


By the way, the Dodgers are winning, but you probably know that.


In His love,

Merritt Hemenway