Club Day 2020 » Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Club President: Christopher Phillips ([email protected])
Club type: Career & Entrepreneurial
Club Goals:
To explore various professional business fields through participation in the Future Business Leaders of America organization’s competitions. Both independently and as a group we will be introduced to different fields of business such as economics, business law, cyber-security, and personal finance, and find ways to study them to become proficient enough to be competitive at higher level tournaments.
The club is mainly an academic competition club, so the main focus is learning how to be as knowledgeable as possible about your field for competitions later on in the year, but there will also be opportunities to expand your knowledge outside of any subjects you wish to compete in. You can also join if you don’t want to compete at all, just to learn about various fields of business. Be sure to contact the Club president if you are interested in joining!