Mathematics Course Descriptions

Mathematics & Computer Science Chairperson: Mr. Dominic Geiger


Algebra 1A
Prerequisite: This course is required for all freshmen not enrolled in Algebra 1 or a higher math course.

(9) This course is equivalent to the 1st semester of Algebra 1. A student enrolled in Algebra 1A must take Algebra 1B in 10th grade. Students must complete Algebra 1B to earn the Algebra credit for the CSU and UC systems.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Algebra 1B
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra 1A. A student receiving an A in Algebra 1A may take this course in Summer School.

(10) This course is equivalent to the 2nd semester of Algebra 1. A student enrolled in Algebra 1A must take Algebra 1B in 10th grade. Students must complete Algebra 1B to earn the Algebra credit for the CSU and UC systems.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Algebra 1
Prerequisite: Combined score of 120 or above on the Quantitative and Mathematics sections on the Placement Examination OR a minimum grade of 72 on both parts of Damien’s Algebra I Challenge Exam OR satisfactory completion of the Advanced Math Review course during summer school with a recommendation for placement in Algebra 1 (based on outcome of summer school benchmark assessments).

(9) A comprehensive course in the fundamentals of Algebra. Topics include equations, factoring, fractions, word problems, square roots, and quadratic equations.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Honors Geometry
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 72 on Parts I and II on Damien’s Algebra I Challenge Exam, a minimum grade of “B” in Algebra 1 taken during Damien’s Summer School, or an “A” in both semesters of Algebra 1. Those who earn a “C” in Summer School may retake the Algebra 1 Placement Exam and earn at least a 72 on both parts in order to qualify for Honors Geometry.

(9) This course requires students to master a number of proofs as well as the concepts listed in the Geometry course description. This course requires a scientific calculator.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Prerequisite: “C” OR higher in Algebra 1 or “C” or higher in Algebra 1B.

(10-11) This course entails a consideration of angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons, and circles, parallel lines in both planes and in space, areas and volumes. This course requires a scientific calculator.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)

Algebra 2
Prerequisite: “C” or higher in 2nd semester of Geometry and “B” or higher in either semester of Algebra 1, with neither semester grade being a “D” or “F.”

(9-12) This course is to build upon the mathematical foundation established during first year Algebra and Geometry. Topics will include: a comprehensive knowledge of problem solving, relations and functions, irrational numbers, quadratic relations and systems of equations. This course requires a scientific calculator.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Honors Algebra 2 w/Trigonometry
Prerequisite: Minimum score of 72 on Parts I and II on Damien’s Algebra I Challenge Exam and Damien’s Geometry Challenge Exam OR “B” or better in Honors Geometry OR an “A” in both Algebra 1 & Geometry.

(9-11) A rigorous combination of intermediate algebra and trigonometry topics which include equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, trigonometric functions and their applications, and sequences and series. This course requires a programmable graphing calculator.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Prerequisite: “B” or higher in both semesters of Algebra 2 or a “C” in Honors Algebra 2.

(10-12) This class will expand on the topics covered in Algebra 2 with the addition of exponential functions, logarithms, trigonometric functions. This course requires a programmable graphing calculator.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Honors Pre-Calculus
Prerequisite: Math Teacher Recommendation and either “C” or higher in Honors Algebra 2 or “A” or higher in both semesters of Algebra 2.

(11-12) A rigorous pre calculus class which covers algebra of real and complex number systems, sequences and series, properties and applications of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, vectors in two- and three- dimensions, statistics and probability.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement and Honors designation. NCAA Approved)
Mathematical Reasoning with Connections (MRWC)
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Algebra 2

(12) The MRWC is structured to highlight overarching themes in mathematics that are intrinsic to and underlie many topics in the high school curriculum. The themes provide a mechanism for expanding existing content into new, advanced areas in a way that makes explicit the connectedness between old and new topics that might otherwise appear to students to be unrelated. They provide consistent threads that help students grasp why the ‘rules’ are the way they are as well as the constraints under which those ‘rules’ operate. The themes are Reasoning with Numbers, Reasoning with Functions, Reasoning with Equivalences and Reasoning with Distance. Students successfully completing MRWC will have acquired content skills and attitudes towards learning that will be expected in entry-level college mathematics. The distinctiveness of MRWC lies in its unique design and topic sequencing, and in the emphasis on instructional delivery that promotes exploratory and collaborative student engagement.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Advanced Placement Calculus AB
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Honors Pre-Calculus, OR an “A” in both semesters of Honors Algebra 2 or “B” or better in both semesters of Precalculus.

(10-12) This course covers the AB syllabus as prescribed by the College Board. Topics will include limits, derivatives and their rules, applications of differentiation, integrals and their applications, differential equations.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Advanced Placement Calculus BC
Prerequisite: “B” or better in Calculus AB OR a score of “3” or higher on the Advanced Placement Calculus AB exam.

(11-12) This course covers BC syllabus as prescribed by the College Board. Topics will include limits, derivatives and their rules, applications of differentiation, integrals and their applications, differential equations, parametric equations and polar coordinates, infinite series, vector applications.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Advanced Placement Statistics
Prerequisite: “C” or higher in Pre-Calculus or Honors Algebra 2 with Trigonometry. 11th Grade students must be concurrently enrolled in AP Calculus.

(11-12) This is an introductory course on the modern methods of analyzing numerical data as dictated by the Advanced Placement syllabus. Topics include frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability theory, binomial and normal distribution, hypothesis testing, and linear regression.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Differential Equations
Prerequisite: An “A” in Advanced Placement Calculus BC and a score of “4” or higher on the Advanced Placement Calculus BC exam.

(12) Differential Equations as mathematical models, analytical, qualitative, and numerical approaches to differential equations & Laplace transform techniques.

(Meets CSU/UC “c” requirement; NCAA Approved)