John Roche, SS.CC. » Posts


classwork for jan 17th

Read the Intro and Part 1 of Pope Benedict xvi's encyclical Deus Caritas Est

then from this text  answer the following questions

1. Why is Jn 3:16 the nexus for believing in God and what prayer expresses our response to this initiative by God?

2. What's the problem with the word "love"

3. Why did the New Testament writers chose Agape over Eros?

4. How does the Song of Song interpret Agape for us?

5. In the biblical view why is eros purposeful?

6.What does the word compenetate mean and why is it used in connection with Christian Love?

points from tape 3

Tape 3   covers


What he is trying to do in the book :


  1. Give a theological informed view of marriage
  2. And honest reading of the living out of marriage from a Christian view point


(b) therefore will be based on traditional  Christian  values

  • The sacrament
  • Being a sign of God’s love – unconditional acceptance of another
  • Being martyrs – self-sacrificing
  • Working out our salvation
  • We are creatures made for relationship
  • What is it to be in relationship with others
  • What is it to have comfort and solace from another person
  • Face time – to have someone in your face all the time – no separate bedrom