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What was it that Damien heard from Rouchouze about SSCC spirituality? I am going to try to
synthesize it under a few essential headings:

JESUS AND MARY - We are consecrated to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. These
two hearts are intimately united in virtue of the mystery of the incarnation. God comes
to us when Jesus is born of Mary. The union of these two hearts, the mystery of love
and redemption blooming from them, is the vital principal of our Congregation. We live
and die in their service.

FAMILY – The Sacred Hearts exercise a parental role toward us. We are their sons and
daughters. For that reason we are brothers/sisters. We are brothers and sisters
because Jesus and Mary bring us into a new family. In that family, the sons and
daughters try to resemble their parents.

FOUR AGES – In order to know and be steeped in the love manifested in Jesus and
Mary, we should know the real life of Jesus, as the Gospels present it, in all its stages
(childhood, adolescence, public life, death on the cross) and do particular ministries
that help us draw close to the sentiments of Jesus and Mary (schools, missions,
adoration, ascesis etc.)

WOUNDED HEARTS – The hearts of Jesus and Mary are wounded by the evil that we all
do. Anyone who knows the Sacred Hearts develops a deep awareness of the power of
evil acting in the world and of the sin that causes such suffering to people. The poor,
sinners and the afflicted are the suffering flesh of Jesus, his least brothers and sisters.
We are called to enter into the interior suffering of the hearts of Jesus and Mary, broken (“offended”) by the lack of love and by the disdain for God’s sons and daughters.

REPARATION – The purpose of the Congregation is to repair this suffering. We are
ready to do everything necessary to relieve the sorrow in the heart of God caused by
the lack of love among humans. The son or daughter of the Sacred Hearts forgets
himself and offers himself as a VICTIM (“the spirit of immolation”), that is,
unreservedly and throughout one’s life, so as to share in God’s work of saving the
world through love.

ADORATION – Adoring Jesus in the Eucharist, we bring him our sin and that of the
world, we intercede for suffering humanity and for ourselves, we let him draw us into
the shelter of his loving heart, and we find there the strength to be his servants and

DEVOTION – The purpose of the Congregation is also to spread the faith, to proclaim
the love of God, which is unknown by so many. We want people to become enflamed
by this love and get caught up in it. This is what we call “devotion to the Sacred Hearts.”

This is what Damien learned of the founders from Euthyme Rouchouze. Damien assimilated
this and it became the foundation of his inner self. This way of living the faith directed all his
energies and forged the robust and committed missionary that we know. The SSCC vocation
was for Damien a spiritual itinerary, a journey along which he savored God in an overwhelming way, a path that would lead him to say without exaggeration and from the

“My greatest joy is to serve the Lord in these poor sick children, who are rejected by other people”
“The joy and contentment that the Sacred Hearts lavish on me make me think that I am the happiest missionary in the world.”


History of Monasticism classwork for Mar 25

  1. Write up the history of St Antony and his life in the desert
  2. Who were the first desert hermits
  3.  Who was Pachomius and how did he organize the desert fathers
  4. What was st Benedict’s great contribution to Monasticism
  5. Sketch 5 major themes in the Rule of Benedict

The Consecrated Life classwork Mar 20

There are different branches of the consecrated life - i.e. those who take vows

a. contemplative monks

b. mendicant friars

c apostolic religious

d. lay institutes

give a history of each and the main people involved. Give a description of an order associated with each of the above